Wyld is a wellness practice that uses dance and meditation to connect with self and build meaningful community.
Wyld is a wellness practice that uses dance and meditation to connect to yourself and build meaningful community. Wyld connects body, mind, and soul. Our practice offers a safe and fun place for people of all ages to find freedom and joy in their bodies. Wyld is a raw, honest, and inclusive place to let go, be free, and find happiness. You don’t have to be anyone or anything other than yourself when you attend one of our meditative dance practices.
“Laughter, song, and dance create emotional and spiritual connection; they remind us of the one thing that truly matters when we are searching for comfort, celebration, inspiration, or healing: We are not alone.”
- B R E N E B R O W N

Conscious breathing pulls us out of our “head space”. One biomarker of feeling stress is a tightening of our pelvic floor. When we consciously breath we can release our pelvic floor, minimizing doubt, and increasing courage. Breathing is a dynamic release and a natural means to connect to your own body and the energy of those around you.

There are many modalities to find healing, most of which are external. Wyld allows you to be the healer and the healed. A variety of music and movements allow for healing within our own bodies. There is no need for talking, your body will create healing through movement and stillness.

Wyld is an individual and collaborative practice. The purpose is to create.